Fosroc Conplast UW: High-Performance Underwater Concrete Admixture

Fosroc Conplast UW is a high-performance underwater concrete admixture manufactured by Fosroc Chemicals India Private Limited and supplied in India by their authorized distributor Space Arc Engineering. This chloride-free blend of selected polymers is a fine brown powder that produces a gel in the water phase surrounding cement particles and other fine components of the concrete mix. It protects them from excessive washout both during placement and once the concrete is finally in position.
Instructions for use:
- Allows concrete to be easily placed underwater
- Facilitates placement of concrete underwater using normal methods such as tremie pipe delivery
- Adds a level of slowing down to the concrete mixture.
- Enables extended duration for transportation of concrete from batching to placement.
- Provides better control of the placing process
- Increases internal cohesion of the concrete mix
- Reduces the tendency of cement and other particles to be washed out during placement
- Allows normal workability levels to be maintained without the addition of extra water
- Improves concrete's resistance to water movement after placement
- Enables production of high-quality, strong concrete even underwater
- Includes agents for workability and setting control, ensuring optimal levels for placing control and working life.
Instructions for use:
- The normal dosage of Conplast UW is 0.6 to 1.0% by weight of cement, but the actual dosage will depend on the cement and sand content
- To determine the ideal dosage for the mix being used, it is recommended to conduct site trials.
- Overdosing will result in an increase in the anti-washout properties, significantly increased retardation, and strength loss of the concrete
- Mix proportions should be designed as for a cohesive pump mix
- A slump value of 180mm or more is commonly observed.
- A sand content of 40-50% of the total aggregate weight is recommended
- A normal minimum cement content for underwater placing is 400kg/m3
- To make concrete using a forced action mixer, it is recommended to add Conplast UW towards the end of the mixing cycle.
- When concrete is truck mixed, Conplast UW should be added to the concrete after mixing either at the plant if near the site or at the site
- Spillages of Conplast UW should be removed in contact with moisture as it gels.